
Spaces & Graces


Each December I determine to slow down to enjoy the moments. But most years I pack the days then hurry more to get the most out of them, as if more is synonymous with better.

This year my desire to pause and savor led me to make purposeful space for the heart fillers, the graces, instead of functioning from a frazzled spirit. Since Instagram is where I focus my social media time, I invite you to join me there for Spaces & Graces, where I'm sharing delights and insights that I've loved this year and especially this month.

As for my newest release, Mornings with Jesus 2024 makes a great gift to set the tone each day of the new year. You can order it here in time for Christmas: shopguideposts.org.

I hope whatever fills the spaces of your days speaks grace to your heart and mind. You are loved completely by the One who makes this season whole.

- Erin

Featured Fiction


Take another trip to the shores of Chickadee Lake in central Maine, where cousins Jan and Elaine continue to grow their tearoom business and find themselves in the middle of another mystery. Their employee Rose Young has made a discovery in her late mother’s belongings that reveals something about her childhood. Meanwhile, it’s election season in Lancaster, Maine, and Rose’s father, Clifton, is running against an outsider with big plans to change the character of the town. And then there's the history of the sapphire ring found in the mansion's walls.

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A mishap on a trail ride, a mystery snake, clues in a flea-market painting, and a Homecoming game between two longtime rival schools sets cousins Jan and Elaine on the hunt for answers as autumn days send a chill through the small Maine town on the shores of Chickadee Lake.
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